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Home > Articles > Anti-Virus Email Service FAQ

Anti-Virus Email Service FAQ

Listed below are the most frequently asked questions about our new Anti-Virus Email Service.
Q. What will it protect?
A. Only email passing through your ITLnet email box. No other means of virus contraction.

Q. What about my Hotmail or Yahoo mail?
A. This service only protects ITLnet mailboxes. Even if you configure your Outlook Express to check your Hotmail account, it is not protected, only your ITLnet email.

Q. What happens if I get a virus?
A. If you've contracted a virus, it could have happened by one of three ways:
    1. It was already on your system and was dormant.
    2. You downloaded it by other means than email.
    3. The virus is brand new and is unknown to anti-virus software to date.
Now you need to clean the virus from your computer. This can be done via commercial software you can purchase, or you can have it done by a local computer store.

Q. Do I still need an Anti-Virus program for my computer?
A. If you download and run programs from other sources other than email then the answer is yes. You also need to make sure to keep your anti-virus program's definitions updated.

Q. What happens to infected email? Do I ever see it?
A. The infected email gets rejected by the email server(s), the recipient never sees it. The only time you'll know about a virus, is if you try to send an infected email, you will then get a rejection message.

Q. Why is this service not free?
A. The software is expensive and the daily updates are charged for by a subscription per mailbox.

Q. Does this affect my email privacy?
A. Human eyes never see your email. The software scans and blocks any email containing a known virus. The email is not stored or quarantined to be read later, it is rejected.

Q. Do I have to commit to the service for any period of time?
A. No. The service is pre-paid on a month to month basis.

Q. Will this service block Macintosh viruses?
A. Yes, it will block any KNOWN email born virus.

Q. Will this service affect performance or slow down my connection?
A. No. The service blocks infected emails before they get to your mailbox. It does not scan them as you are downloading them.