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Home > Articles > ITLNet Business Pages

ITLNet Business Pages

Your Business On The World Wide Web

A business home page is $30/month with NO setup fees. You will get 20Meg of web space, your own virtual web server on the Internet, and DNS hosting for your domain (ie: This gives you the ability to control your page directly, make changes and/or gather information generated by this page.

Obtaining your own domain like requires internick registration. They charge $35/year or $70 for the first two years. We prefer to do the registration process for you at no additional charge.

We suggest using FrontPage software to design, edit, and publish your web page(s) to your virtual server.

If you need help laying out pages, scanning of photographs, converting existing information to HTML format, or setting up Front Page, our standard rate is $75/hour. For more information on our Web designing services visit

You can also have a presence on the World Wide Web without a computer or modem. For a $25 set up fee and $10/month charge, we can do the work for you by providing e-mail services including downloads of all your e-mail, and also generate a paper copy to hold for pick-up, or mailed to you for a rate of $.15/page plus postage. We can also help you respond to e-mails. Replies will be billed actual time (clerical rate $30/hour) with a $5 minimum.

If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail us at

ITLNet Inc.
107 Carter Road
Elk City, Oklahoma 73644
580-225-1485 800-253-4001 (toll free)
580-243-2810 (Fax)

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Closed Sundays & Major Holidays