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ITLnet Help Desk

About the ITLnet Anti-SPAM service

Are you tired of getting a mailbox full of junk? You can now say goodbye to all of that junk. ITLNet is proud to offer an anti-SPAM service.

So how does it work?
Once your account is anti-SPAM enabled, all of your email is filtered. Any email determined as SPAM is quarantined, not blocked. You can then log into your web based message center and view the emails that were quarantined. At that point you can remove the emails forever or mark certain ones to be delivered to your mailbox. You can also adjust how strict or lenient the SPAM filters are. You can also manually add approved senders and/or block senders. Messages that are removed from your message center are never seen by your ITLNet mailbox.

What happens if I don’t check my message center?
You should really check your message center periodically to make sure there are not any emails that should not have been quarantined, deliver them and add it to your approved list. If your filters are working well and you don’t want to bother with the message center, emails older that 14 days will automatically be removed permanently from the quarantine.

How do I get to my message center?
Once your account is enabled, you will receive an email with a web link to your message center. We will also provide a link on our home page (My SPAM Filter).

How much does it cost?
The anti-SPAM service is an additional $1 per month per mailbox.
Our Office:
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105 Carter Road
Elk City, Oklahoma 73644
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Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (ct)
Closed Weekends & Major Holidays
Local: (580) 225-1485
Fax: (580) 243-2810
Tech Support:
Local: (580) 243-0030