The screens which accompany these instructions reflect what you will see when configuring Outlook Express .
To start Outlook Express, look for the Outlook Express icon on you desktop. It will look like the one above title. If missing this icon on you can click on the start button, then Program Files, and finally Outlook Express.
When the program first starts the window above will appear. To access an E-mail account, click on Tools
Now click on the word Accounts inside the Tools menu. Once you click on Accounts , the window below will appear..
Click on the Mail tab. Select your e-mail account (typically and click on Properties on the right.
The General tab shows you what your recipients shall see. Change this to reflect your correct e-mail and name.
Make sure you have the settings (as show above). Please change the Account Name to YOUR username. Check My server requires authentication and click on Settings...
Make sure you have Use same settings as my incoming mail server selected. Click OK until you are back to Internet Accounts (shown below)