The screens which accompany these instructions reflect what you will see when entering your specific email information into Outlook Express .
To start Outlook Express, look for the Outlook Express icon on you desktop. It will look like the one above title. If missing this icon on you can click on the start button, then Program Files, and finally Outlook Express.
When the program first starts the window above will appear. To add an E-mail account, click on the word Tools
Now click on the word Accounts in side the Tools menu. Once you click on Accounts, the window below will appear..
The Account window normally appears like the window above. To add the new account, click on the Add button in the right corner of the window. Next you'll be given a menu that looks like the one below. Just
click on word Mail to start the Internet Connection Wizard
The first window to appear will ask you for a Display name. The Display name is a name that will appear in the E-mail you send out. When people receive your E-mail they will see what you type in this section in the From section of Outlook Express. It doesn't matter if you type in all caps or lower case.
The next window, Internet E-mail Address, has two options. The first option is for existing email accounts you have with
ITLNet. The second option is to sign up with Hotmail. Hotmail is a separate E-mail service offered by Microsoft.
ITLNet does not offer any support on this option but you can use if you would like a free E-mail account.
To setup a ITLNet E-mail account click on the first option and then type in your
ITLNet email address. The E-mail address should look like the one above ( The name username is used as an example.
Once you finished typing in your E-mail address click the
E-mail Server Names will be the next window to appear.
Once you finished with that section click the Next button to continue.
The next window is the Internet Mail Logon window.
Click the Next button to continue.
You have now completed the creation of a E-mail account in Outlook Express. Click the Finish button to complete the process.