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MS Outlook 2000 Setup

MS Outlook 2000 Setup

The screens which accompany these instructions reflect what you will see when entering your specific email information into Outlook 2000. When entering in e-mail account information for the first time, you will use the Wizard in the instructions below.

  • Click on the Tools menu (found along the top of the program window) and then click Accounts
  • Click the button labeled Add and then click Mail .
  • The first window to appear will ask you for a Display name. The Display name is a name that will appear in the E-mail you send out. When people receive your E-mail they will see what you type in this section in the From section of Outlook 2000. It doesn't matter if you type in all caps or lower case. Click Next to continue.
  • To setup a ITLNet E-mail account click on the first option and then type in your ITLNet email address. The E-mail address should look like the one below ( The name username is used as an example. Once you finished typing in your E-mail address click the Next button.
  • E-mail Server Names will be the next window to appear.
    • The first box is defaulted to POP3. POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol version 3. This is the type of server that we use. Make sure the box has POP3 selected.
    • In the incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) server section you need to type in (This must be in all lower case no spaces).
    • In the outgoing mail (SMTP simple mail transfer protocol) server section you need to type in (This must be in all lower case no spaces).
  • Once you finished with that section click the Next button to continue.

  • The next window is the Internet Mail Logon window.
    • Log on using needs the dot in the circle next to the word log. If it isn't darkened then the blanks below it will be grayed out.
    • POP account name is you E-mail user name (for this example username is the E-mail username). You must type in all lower case for this section.
    • Password is the E-mail password for this E-mail user name This section also needs to be in all lower case if you use letters for your password. Make sure that there are no spaces also.
    • Log on user Secure Password Authentication (SPA) Does Not need to be checked.
  • Click the Next button to continue.
  • Now you have to choose which way Outlook 2000 will connect to the Internet to send retrieve and retrieve your E-mail. Click Next after you have made your selection.
  • Choose "I will establish my Internet connection manually." Click Finish . Setup is complete, click Close in the Accounts window.
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