Countdown |
Jaunuary 22, 2000
Elk City Aikido Club
113 MeadowRidge
Suite J
Elk City, OK
Quake III Arena
DM and CTF
Unreal Tournament
DM and CTF
NFS: High Stakes
SW: Pod Racer
Network Admin
& Event
DOM Music
Flash Animation
by 13-Witch
OKC Lan Party
DFW Lan Party
Lan Party GameSpy
Beatdown 2000
Be Sure To Check ITLNet Gamer (FTP) For The Latest Patches And Maps
Pictures of Day Of Maddness 2
What Is It?
"Day of Madness" is what we like to call our LAN party. Simply put, everyone who comes brings their computer. We network them all together. Then we proceed to FRAG each other in every way imaginable. We can play any game that supports multi-player over a network.
I will be on site Friday evening setting up. Anyone who wants to is welcome to help. If you want to setup your pc and get signed in that evening wouldn't be a bad idea. I will be making some signin/inventory sheets for everybody.
On Saturday I will be arriving early that morning around 8 o'clock. Doing checkins for those who didn't make it Friday night. No I don't expect anybody else to be there at 8. I do plan on playing all day and most of the night though. On Sunday I will be there cleaning up if anyone wants to help.
- Have fun
You can obey everything else here and still have alot of fun.
- No fighting
No yelling at each other & no physical violence will be tolerated. Check your attitude at the door.
- Invitation Only
This is a Closed, Invitation only party. If you know someone who you think would like to come and participate. Or even just spectate. Please let me know. Everyone must be approved by me.
- Alchohol
Beer will be allowed. Minors shall not drink, ID checks on Sign up. If you are going to drink please relenquish your keys to Sen or Digry. If you get wasted and belligerent you will be asked to leave. Nobody leaves drunk "You will have to find a ride".
- No touching other peoples computers
Unless you have permission dont touch it. People can be very touchy about their pc. Just remember to respect other peoples stuff.
- If you break something
Whether by accident or on purpose please notify the owner or the coordinator of the infraction. Be prepared to pay for things you break.
"None of this is set in stone, so just relax"
Friday |
6pm - ???
Fri night I (SEN) will be setting up tables, servers, network cabling, hubs, and power distribution.
Saturday |
9AM to 11AM
Sign in & Setup time. No Set Games, Play what ever.
11AM to 1PM
Go Eat
1PM to 3PM
Unreal Tournament CTF all map rotation.
3PM to 5PM
Quake 3 Arena Death Match all map rotation.
5PM to 7PM
Racing Games, NFS: High Stakes, Pod Racer.
6PM to 7PM
Probably get hungry around this time. Go eat some Pizza.
7PM to ???
Start Quake 3 Arena Double Elimination Tournament. The map will be Vertical Vengeance (Q3Tourney4).
Sunday |
Any clean up that needs to be done.
Check List
Hardware |
- PC & monitor
- Comfortable Chair
- Power strip and cords
- A strong desire to frag and be fragged
- Mouse(No Rats), Joystick, or whatever controller you use
- Appropriate software - OS, Games, etc.
- 10/100mbit Ethernet Card (installed and configured!) Client for MS ,TCP/IP & IPX installed
- An OpenGl video card or Voodoo2 card is preferable (Necessity for most)
- Bring headphones so others around you can concentrate on their game or keep your volume low please.
Software |
All games setup and configured before you arrive.
Have all the latest patches already installed.